Never let success hide its emptiness from you, achievement its nothingness, toil its desolation. And so...keep alive the incentive to push on further, that pain in the soul which drives us beyond ourselves.
Dag Hammarskjöld (1905 - 1961)
Swedish statesman and diplomat
Many times I ask myself. “What am I here for?” I ponder the thought for a while and then naturally slip back to living my life without having found the answer to my quest. The thought lingers on in the sub conscious as each day passes without a sense of fulfilment.
In search of this fulfilment, many of us would take solace in our JOBS, FRIENDS, RELIGION, or VICES. We would strive very hard to attain the set standards of our environment or society, we would attempt to validate our existence by the aesthetics of VOGUE in order to keep up with the proverbial JONSES, and at the end of the day when we retire to our bedrooms, that little something that makes it alright is still missing.
Many of us would study a course in the university just to please our parents, take jobs that we absolutely detest all because of the money, rush into marriage not for the love but for the fast moving hands of time, shy away from a certain line of business for fear of what friends may say.
These entire processes are phases in the battle of self realization. German psychologist ERICH FROMM in his book man for himself said “Mans main task in life is to give birth to himself”. Thus the question readily comes to mind again “what exactly am I here for?” and this time, the answer I gave myself, is TO LIVE FOR THAT WHICH I CAN DIE FOR.
WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? The sooner YOU find that answer the earlier you find the peace of mind that accomplishes fulfilment.
Tope Atiba
I've asked myself the said question numerous times and true that, haven't been able to supply A̶̲̥̅̊ satisfactory answer. I hope I do b4 I settle for the daily grind life in these parts...