Thursday, January 13, 2011


Freedom, when a people live in a free society, it creates a limitless environment. Freedom gives a people the sense of possibility. It has a way of removing barriers in thought, actions and way of life generally.

In a free society, the people can live without fear or apprehension. Principally the people are not scared of the individuals they have elected to govern them

In nigeria today, due to certain government policies, the people are forced to hold the Government and its agencies in awe. The grandiose flamboyance with which the top echelon of elected public office holders live (especially protected by LAWS promulgated by them to protect 'them'), in the eyes of the average Nigerian can be likened to that of a demi god sent from the HADES to perpetually inflict agony on the populace.

The highly inhibited press though practice procedure,have tagged the people in government as the "leaders" and the people on the streets "masses". Terms which the insensitive politicians have quickly adopted, mindless of its meaning. However as bad as that sounds, it still would not graphically illustrate the CHASM or better yet GULF that separates the government and the governed in this country..

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the country where the average senator earns close to 360 million naira per anum for being a professional politician.. While the civil servants have to go on STRIKE to earn a living wage. The senator would collect a HARDSHIP allowance from HARD earned TAX PAYERS meager income and thereby create even more HARDSHIP for the "masses" to cope with.

Our hospitals are glorified slaughter slabs, our universities, a breeding ground for thugs and half baked graduates. Our roads are pot hole ridden death traps, no water, no electricity, no security of life and property and yet they expect us their "masses" to vote them back into power.

Fellow nigerian, we live in the shadow of ourselves. We live in squalor and abject poverty. Nigeria is very far away from her potential. We wouldn't have been in this sad situation if we had taken responsibility of our freedom from the onset. Contribute to your own freedom today and that of the unborn generation. VOTE WISELY

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

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